Brain Write

  • Commerce site for Del Norte students to sell their belongings/services
    • ex. Used TINspire calculator, tutoring, clothes
  • Helps students earn money, save money on common items, and get help (tutoring)!
  • Reselling products is environmentally friendly!
  • Not directly associated with the school so we don't get sued!


Our team made a Figma with a very rough overview of what we want our final project to look like. We will update this with behavior, interaction, and data diagrams as we solidify our ideas.

Test Frontend/Backend Code

Sample code to create a row in a table for each listing. We don't want a table in our final product, but this is a good start for iterating over product listings.

// create object for listing
function Listing(name, price, contactInfo) { = name;
    this.price = price;
    this.contactInfo = contactInfo;

const data = [
    new Listing("TINspire Calculator", "70.00", ""),
    new Listing("New PE Lock", "5.00", "1-800-YOUR-NUMBER"),
    new Listing("AP Bio Prep Book", "15,00", "")

// return table row for each listing that can be added to html
for (const row of data) { 
    const name =;
    const price = row.price;
    const contactInfo = row.contactInfo;
        <td>TINspire Calculator</td>

        <td>New PE Lock</td>

        <td>AP Bio Prep Book</td>